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Assassiner le cercle de la vie!

Le cercle de vie est brisé à sa base!

Les poissons, les crabes, les mammifères et tous les autres animaux sont étouffés jusqu'à la mort!

La chaîne alimentaire et aérienne est tuée à ses débuts!

Les deux commencent par la symbiose des algues et des coraux!

La privation d'oxygène! Suffocation mondiale!

Aucune acidification mais mort de masse par suffocation!

Déconstruire la géo-ingénierie Mafia par des faits simples!

Les gens, qui comprennent le contenu de l'infographie et les articles livrés, prennent conscience et soyez plus actifs pour arrêter les psychopathes globaux!

The following part will remain in English only for a while.

Revealing the intention to break the food chain!

We are in the age of Geophysical Warfare (GW) and on that perspective the WWII was never stopped. Not only with economic sanctions, oil prices, the deterrent nuclear WMDs of cold war, the bloody regime changes by military juntas, the debt bondage of poor and fake rich countries, the hot proxy wars in Africa and Asia, at least since the large scale installation of static and mobile HAARP and doppler radar systems starting at the end of 1950s, the the war went on also with GW. By observing the current application of GW, we must conclude that it was also applied in former times and it was not limited to the "cloud seeding" against the Viet-Cong.

So let us dissect the following revealing article!

Under the conditions of GW, the title statement needs to be considered as a threat and intention to use GW! Maybe the article also explain us the planning for that.

Imperial mouthpieces like Washington Post are "good sources" of imperial mind, but the statements have to be read conversely, as the truth is always the opposite of lie!

Propaganda carries only lies! So let us dissect the text and find the truth.

The climate crisis could rapidly become a food crisis

The GW attack on Russia began after the installation radar systems in the new EU and NATO members in Eastern Europe. The following sentences are so revealing! Currently the wildfires are raging over Iberia!

"In the summer of 2010, Russia faced a severe drought, a heat wave and a series of catastrophic wildfiresdestroying a third of the country's wheat harvest. Half a year later, the Arab Spring began."

Please read the articles about Syria, IrakYemen, SomaliaIransouthern Africa and others, which explain the GW attack on these countries, first as an attrition tool to prepare the hot war.

"The two are connected: The Middle East and North Africa, among the most food-insecure regions in the world, rely heavily on grain imports from the Black Sea, especially Russia, one of the world's largest wheat exporters. But the Russian government banned grain exports amid the dismal harvest, looking to protect its own food supply."

The author totally omits the industrial desert farming in Arabia!
The arming of 100 thousands of mercenaries, framed as "Islamists", which were ready to attack any country, which did not submit to the imperial planning! Tunisian dictator Ben-Ali gave up power to save his people and country. A similar move under pressure was made by the dictator of Egypt, Mubarak. The rulers of Libya and Syria could not and did not submit and their countries and societies became coated with bloodshed, death and fire.

"Sapped of a major supplier, countries across the two regions saw bread prices skyrocket. And while many other factors fuelled the political unrest characterised as the Arab Spring, the high cost of food fuelled the broad popular discontent that prompted a string of attempts to overthrow illiberal regimes - some successful, some violently suppressed."

Russia disproved this expectation. After the sanctions against Russia in the course of the imperial attacks on Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Syria, Russia has grown its food production, is already exporting and also keeping East-Ukraine, Syria and Yemen alive with food delivery.

Russia Becomes a Grain Superpower as Wheat Exports ExplodeBy
Anatoly Medetsky

Russia’s food exports continue to grow – but where are they going?

We go on with the dissection of WP article.

The key targets are defined: 
  • 4 crops,
  • 3 production regions,
  • 65% of protein food supply,
  • concentration in the hands of a few corporations,
  • 14 "choke points", critical transport straits!

"Global food security depends on trade in just four cropsmaize, wheat, rice and soybeans. The first three account for 60 per cent of the world's food energy intake. The fourth, soybeans, is the world's largest source of animal protein feed, making up 65 per cent of global protein feed supply. Their production is concentrated in a handful of exporting countries, including the United States, Brazil and the Black Sea region, from which they are flowing at ever-greater volumes."

So the global food trade is the problem!!!

Monopoles and oligopoles of multinational corporations are bad for the food security. Let us dump the corporations before we need to eat their managers, when they have broken our food security!

"Between 2000 and 2015, global food trade grew by 127 per cent to 2.2 billion metric tons - and growth rates are projected to keep increasing."

"But the movement of these crops hinges on just 14 "choke-point" junctures on transport routes through which exceptional volumes of trade pass."

They were never "overlooked", but they ability to "choke" the straits was not feasible yet. Now the imperial complex seems to be prepared to choke all key points!

"Such choke points have been perilously overlooked, said Rob Bailey, research director for energy, environment and resources at Chatham House and co-author of the report."

The tensions are pre-planned and we have already entered the phase of global implementation.

This is a war game, but Russia, Iran, China and others are already prepared for that. They are also using GW to protect themselves, help the allies and attack the enemies. The surprising effect of GW has gone. The attack on USA is very possible, as the imperial complex always fears to be expelled from the territory of the USA! The reaction would be to cause havoc and starve millions of US people to death. The people of USA are more threatened by the imperial psychopathy than any other country on Earth.

"Imagine the following frightening-yet-plausible scenario: What if the next time Russia's wheat harvest is devastated by drought, other major food producers are also facing struggles with severe weather and wrecked harvests? In the United States, that could mean a freak flood season that wipes out inland waterways or overwhelms coastal ports."

The alternative suppliers to the USA would also be attacked. The people of USA should be prepared to eliminate the imperial structure in their country as fast as possible to save themselves. The imperial monsters won't be able to do the same chaos anywhere else. Just catch some of the big fish in Washington DC, Wall Street, Silicon Walley, Las Vegas grab the control on Federal Reserve. The rest will shiver in fear and stop threatening the people of USA and the world.

"Brazil, the world's other heavy-hitter, accounts for 17 per cent of global wheat, maize, rice and soybean exports. But its road network is crumbling. Extreme rainfall could knock out a major transport route. If this happened together with a US flood and a Russian drought, there would be global food shortages, riots and political instabilitystarvation in areas that are heavily dependent on imports, and recessions everywhere else."

Closing Panama Canal would require the instigation of civil war in Panama. The target of food deprivation attack is "western Asia".

"The Panama Canal, linking Western and Asian markets, is one of the most critical maritime choke points: Thirty-six per cent of US maize exports and 49 per cent of US soybean exports pass through it each year."

The Bosporus and the Dardanelles are protected by the Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits of 1936. To break up this the empire would need to eliminate the Republik of Turkey. Turkey itself won't break it, as it would mean the declaration of war with Russia. The last try during the Ottoman Empire failed badly. Russian Army came to the doors of Istanbul (Constantinia).

"Another is the Turkish Straits, which connect Black Sea producers to global markets - including, critically, the Middle East. Seventy-seven per cent of wheat exports from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan pass through these waters."

Replace "climate change" with "climate control" and everything becomes clear! The "weather events" are made by GW. Understanding how GW works, it is not difficult to see it.

"Climate change makes such a scenario more likely. While it's difficult to connect any specific weather event to climate change, models suggest the shifting climate is making such events more common."

Again the threat against the USA. The imperial monsters, seem to give up the global perspective, as they are now losing nearly at all fronts in Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America. So it prepares itself for survival in the USA.

"For the United States, the could mean a lot more episodes like the one in August 2012, when Hurricane Isaac closed ports and suspended barge traffic on parts of the Mississippi River."

Now we reach a very revealing point! I would like to confirm this by a Turkish article from 2015 about the coming change in 2016!

Montrö, 2016’da revize edilecek
[Montreux Convention will be revised in 2016!]
DÜNYA Giriş Tarihi: 08.12.2015 09:25

"20 yılda bir gözden geçirilen Montrö Boğazlar Sözleşmesi, 2016’da günün şartlarına göre revize edilecek. Boğaz'dan geçen Rus savaş gemisindeki füzeli asker skandalını masaya koyacak olan Türkiye, barış dönemlerinde boğazdan silahlı geçişe dair bir yaptırım kararı konusunda diretecek.

[The Montreux Convention for the straits, which has to be reviewed every 20 years, will be revised in 2016 according the current requirements. The scandal with the soldier carrying a rocket on one of the Russian military ships crossing the straits will be set on the table by Turkey, which will insist on sanctions during peace time.]

"Türkiye'nin Rus savaş uçağını Suriye sınır hattında düşürmesinin ardından Rusya, tehditlerini boğazlara taşırdı."

[After the shooting of Russian fighter jet at the border with Syria, Russia has carried the threat to the straits.]

"Rus savaş gemisi Caesar Kunikov'un İstanbul Boğazı'ndan geçişi sırasında, bir asker omzunda füze ile görüntülendi. Rus savaş gemisinin güvertesindeki "tacizkâr" fotoğrafı "provokatif" olarak nitelendiren Ankara ise Montrö Boğazlar Sözleşmesi'ni hatırlattı. Bu tabloyla Rusya'nın sözleşmeyi ihlal ettiği vurgulanırken, olay "tahrik unsuru" olarak görüldü. Türkiye, Rus gemilerinin boğazlardan geçişi konusunda teyakkuz halini arttırdı. Türkiye, boğazların ve toprak bütünlüğünün tehdit altında olduğunu hissetmesi halinde Rus gemilerine karşı boğazlarda "dilediği önlemi" alabilir."

[A soldier with a rocket on his shoulder was seen during the passage of Caesar Konikov. Naming the "threatening" image on the Russian ship "provocative" and reminded the Montreux Convention. It was hinted that with this image Russia has broken the convention and the event has been considered as "act of provocation". Turkey has raised vigilance concerning Russian ships. If Turkey feels a threat to the straits and unity of its territory, it can take "measures it deems as necessary" against Russian ships in the straits. ]

Montrö, Türkiye'ye, savaş zamanında, savaşan olması yahut kendisini pek yakın bir savaş tehdidi altında sayması halinde tehdit eden ülkenin savaş gemilerini engelleme hakkı tanıyor. Sözleşme uyarınca, savaş zamanında, Türkiye savaşan ise, savaş gemilerinin boğazlardan geçişi konusunda dilediği gibi davranabiliyor.

According Montreux, if during war time, Turkey is a warring party or if Turkey considers itself threatened by a nearby war, it can hinder the war ships of the threatening country. According Montreux, if Turkey is the warring party, it can do whatever it wants about the passage of war ships through the straits.]

Now back to our WP article.

So we may now conclude, that if the coup in 2016 was "successful", that would have resulted in closure of the Bosporus strait, had caused the state of war between Russia and Turkey, breakout of civil war in Turkey and very possibly the instigation of conflicts at some other 13 "choke points" of the world, with a disastrous break of the global food security

  1. elimination of Montreux Convention, 
  2. tension between Turkey protected by NATO against Russia, and 
  3. the breakup of Turkey to found Great Kurdistan 
were the main targets of this coup.

By the way, the coup was not "internal", it was like the other bloody coups of 1960, 1971 and 1980 a mainly CIA driven regime change.

In later historical reflection, the disastrous failure of the coup may become reason of elimination of the CIA and maybe also the key reason of the breakdown of imperial complex. It is more painful than the dilettante Fascist coup in Kiev and the eternal loss of Sevastopol marine base to Russia.

On the other hand, it is the wonder of Turkey and Erdogan, to survive a CIA coup attempt and has delivered the apology for brutal elimination of CIA agent network, mainly under the brand of Gülenist-Movement.

"Political instability can also cause choke point disruptions. In 2015 and 2016, tensions between Russia and Turkey fuelled power plays in the Turkish Straits, and an attempted internal coup led to a temporary shutdown of the Bosporus."

This article seems to be written for imperial wound licking. :-) :-)
The reader may feel, how "painful" is it for imperial psychopaths, that their plans to cause "disruption of key arteries due to political instability" have failed. :-) :-) It would have been so funny for the observer, if it wasn't deadly dangerous. The domino effect of "imperial-inforced cycle" of "food shortages" to "breed further instability" was not fulfilled.

"And disruption of key arteries due to political instability can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle, as food shortages breed further instability. In the Middle East and North Africa, statistical analyses show that food security is a particularly high indicator of political stability. Over a third of grain imports for the region pass through a maritime choke point for which there is no alternate route."

In the western world, particularly in Germany the crisis of 2007-2008 was only a financial crisis. But this could have finished the FED-Dollar system, if German government did not "rescue" the bankrupt banks.

"But the problem is widespread. The 2007-2008 global food crisis was accompanied by protests in 61 countries and riots in 23."

The "chronic underinvestment in infrastructure" is more a problem in the USA!

"To make matters worse, chronic underinvestment in infrastructure has weakened critical networks. Extreme weather and increased trade flows put them at risk of failing. ... 
But even where there is infrastructure investment, governments often fail to factor in climate risks: A 2016 survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that, with very few exceptions, they are largely overlooked even in rich countries."

The "perfekt storm" is required for the survival of imperial complex and its grab on total global power.

""It is a glide path to a perfect storm," said Bailey."

So, Europe will be cut out from world supplies by closing the Gibraltar Strait. As if the dumb marionette politutes were "making any policies".

"In fact, 13 of the 14 choke points have seen some form of temporary disruption or closure in the last 15 years, according to the report. (The only one that hasn't, the Strait of Gibraltar, may now come under pressure in Brexit negotiations.) This should prompt policymakers to prepare for worst-case scenarios."

The oil markets are a main treasure of imperial complex. They will always be protected and controlled as much as the empire has the means to own it. This control on oil markets is diminishing. The huge part of the oil and gas production is now based on fracking. The "supply shock" is mainly a problem of imperial main vassals like USA and Europe. China and Japan which are also the net consumers have not similar problems, they buy and pay fairly and don't attack to conquer the resources.

"The mentality is very different when it comes to the oil market, where past oil embargoes make the idea of a supply shock more tangible. "People obsess about choke points there," he said."

The empire fears that the states would do their job and create strategic food reserves for their population. This would reduce the ability of imperial corporations to dictate the food markets.

"One solution is for countries to invest in individual emergency stores. But this risks creating an international "Hunger Games" - encouraging hoarding and scrambling behaviours in the event of a crisis and a death spiral of declining market confidence."

"Minimize the risk" but for whom and raise the risk for whom?

""What is needed is a coordinated international approach like you have in energy markets," Bailey said. In 1974, the International Energy Agency established emergency response mechanisms to minimise the risk of oil and gas disruptions."

UN is not a legitimate body to take over the responsibility of states to care for the mere existence of their populations. Many states don't deserve to be named as such. They are only tools of oppression, but the remaining sovereign states will take care by themselves. The imperial complex wants to turn all humanity into beggars and food stamp dependents. 

"Governments and international responders, like the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the UN World Food Program, should model this with rules on coordination during acute food disruptions. This would include emergency food supply sharing arrangements and smarter strategic storage - where choke points can't cut off supply."

As the "extreme weather" is nothing else but GW, this last statement should be considered as a final threat. It says submit to the "global governance of climate control, else You will be further attacked with GW"! The "alternative sources" of food are more corporate land grabbing, more desert farming, more fracking for mineral fuel and more water grabbing by control on troposheric rivers! Recognize, that the text doesn't attack the multinational corporations. It uses only the statement of "a handful of mega crop exporters", meaning Russia, Brasil, USA!

"But they also needed to take preventive measures, like diversifying production so countries aren't dependent on a handful of mega-crops and exporters. Funding should support alternative sources and supply routes around the world, as well as climate-resilient infrastructure. But all of this requires long-term planning. It needs to start now - before extreme weather becomes even more frequent."

End of dissection of WP article.


Imperial mouthpieces are trumping for the global scale legalization of climate control. The worst liar of the day is Janos Pasztor, the executive director of the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative!

""I want to highlight that we aren't promoting geoengineering, we are promoting dialogue," says Pasztor."

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Evidence of Water Delivery by ClimateControl!

Water Delivery by ClimateControl Irkaya Farm- Qatar


Klimakontrol-Lobby hat mit Daniele Ganser und Co. KenFM geentert!
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Bitte achtet! An dem, was sie verschweigt, sollte die Falsche-Alternative erkannt werden!


GEOENGINEERING is changing weather and climate to grab TROPOSPHERIC WATER by SRM and HAARP for FRACKING and FARMING in DESERTs!

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